
UK post study work visa (Graduate route) update

The UKVI added information on when students will be eligible to apply under the Graduate route in 2021 if they have undertaken some of their studies by distance or blended learning. The route is scheduled to to open on 01/07/2021. As part of the new Graduate route, International students who complete a PhD course in the UK can stay for 3 years after their course to live and work. Undergraduates and masters students can stay for 2 years
Students will normally be expected to undertake their studies in the UK to be eligible for the Graduate route. However, if students are required to either continue their current studies or commence a new course by distance or blended learning due to Covid-19, they will still be eligible to switch into the Graduate route on a concessionary basis if they spent some time studying outside the UK. Students will benefit from this concession if they enter the UK before 21/06/2021 and complete the final parts of their studies in the UK.